2019 Annual Meeting of the Archeological Society of Maryland

Saturday, October 5th, 2019

Maryland Veterans Museum,
Newberg, MD

2019 Frederick L. Stiner Memorial Lecture

Charles County Archeology

Esther Doyle Read, Charles County Archeologist

A review of what has been happening in Charles County archeology since the archeologist position was established five years ago. She will focus on work at Rich Hill and Port Tobacco.

History of Mills in Maryland

Dr. Jim Gibb

A look at the history of mills in Maryland. Mills fed Marylanders from the middle of the 18th Century to the turn of the 20th. They supported Baltimore’s successful bid for industrial prominence in the Mid-Atlantic and they linked the state to international markets. Gibb will show how archeological investigations have revealed remarkable differences in technology among the state’s mills.

Community Archeology

Kristin Montaperto, Chief Archeologist, Maryland National Capitol Park & Planning Commission

How a community archeology approach is used in black history research and how its successes and failures can be applied to other archeological projects in the state.

“From Port Tobacco River (MD) to Portobago Bay (VA): Exploring Native Movement and Mobility through an Archeological Lens.”

Julia King, St. Mary's College

Not long after a number of Maryland Indian nations had concluded a treaty with the Calvert government (in April 1666), members of at least one group, the Portobacks, moved to the south bank of the Rappahannock River in Virginia. Archeological survey in the Portobago Bay area of the Rappahannock has revealed traces of what may be the Portobacks' new town among Rappahannock and Nanzattico settlements.

“Serendipity and a Lost Opportunity.”

Carol Cowherd, Charles County Chapter President

Museum collections contain a number of artifacts that have been incompletely described. She’ll tell of the unexpected discovery and identification of an Adena artifact found in the Smithsonian collection and its connection to Charles County.