"Archeology and the Civil War"
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Brookside Gardens Visitor Center, Wheaton, MD
Frederick M. Stiner Memorial Lecture
"Antietam, The Archeology of America's Bloodiest Day"
Stephen Potter, Registered Archeologist, National Park Service, National Capital Region
"Unearthing the Underground Railroad through Landscape and Artifacts"
Tony Cohen, Historian/Author, Founder Menare Foundation, Inc.
"The Battle that Saved Washington: Archeological Research at Monacacy National
Joy Beasley, Archeologist/Cultural Resources Program Manager, Monacy National Battlefield
Lunch - Browningsville Coronet Band
"Gunboats on the Pomunkey River, Virginia and the Peninsula "
David Port Howe, Project Manager, Maritime & Arch. and History Society
" The Use of Modern Forensic DNA Analysis to Identify the Civil War Remains from the
CSS H.L. Hunley "
Mark Wadhams, Superintendent, DNA Analysis Armed Forces DNA ID Lab
"Montgomery County's Civil War Fords and Ferries "
Charles Jacobs, Author/Civil War Historian, Speaker and Tour Guide for Montgomery County Historical