Archeology Near and Afar
Presented by the
Archeological Society of Maryland, Inc.,
Saturday, April 13, 2013, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Health Sciences Lecture Hall (HS150)
Howard Community College
Columbia, MD
The Richard E. Stearns Memorial Lecture is named in honor of Richard E Stearns (1902-1969), curator of the Department of Archeology at the Natural History
Society of Maryland for more than 30 years. Mr. Stearns located numerous archeological sites in the Chesapeake area, and carefully documented his surface and excavated finds. He
published numerous archeological articles and several monographs, and donated his collection to the Smithsonian Institution. A commercial artist by profession, he was nonetheless a
pioneer in Maryland archeology, instrumental in recording much of Maryland prehistory.
After the Burning and Before the Banner: The Battle of
Caulk's Field.
Dr. Julie M. Schablitsky (Maryland State Highway Administration)
Life at a 14,000 Years Old Pre-Agricultural Settlement in Mount Carmel,
Dr. Reuven Yeshurun (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Smithsonian Institution; Adjunct
Researcher, University of Haifa)
On excavations in Iceland (exact title TBD)
Dr. George Hambrecht (University of Maryland, College Park)
Smithsonian Citizen Science Program in Archaeology: Erosion and Sedimentation at the 19th- Century Sellman’s Connection Site
Sarah A. Grady (University of Maryland, class of 2011)
Iris McGillivray was a founding member of the Archeological Society of Maryland, Inc., ably serving the Society for over thirty years as Secretary, President, Newsletter Editor, Field Session Registrar, and Membership Secretary. She is perhaps best known, loved, and respected for her organization of the annual Spring Symposium, first held in 1965, arranging all aspects of the day-long program. In 1991 Iris was presented with the Society's William B. Marye Award to honor her services to archeology in Maryland.
The Archaeology of African American Landowning in Early 20th Century Maryland.
Dr. Matthew Palus (Senior Archaeologist, The Ottery Group Inc.)
Identifying ‘Arte Mc Baron’s chief house his hould’: combining history and archeology in Ireland.
Dr. Jerry Casway (Chair of Social Sciences, Howard Community College)
Interpreting the Archeological Survey of Bluefields Bay, Jamaica.
Benjamin Siegel (New Atlantic Archaeology)